Posts tagged aultmanhospital
Topic: Preventing and Treating Cancer | Aultman Timken Family Cancer Center with Dr. Sabrina Shilad and Dr. Sareena Singh
Dr. Sabrina Shilad of Aultman Breast Surgery Singh_Sareena-Gynecologic-Oncology-Womens-Health-Especialist

Preventing and Treating Cancer

Health Matters is a weekly radio show sponsored by the Medicine Center Pharmacy on WHBC 1480 AM in Canton, Ohio. In this episode pharmacists, Brad White and Paul White discuss Breast Surgery and Oncology Services at the Aultman Timken Family Cancer Center with Dr. Sabrina Shilad of Aultman Breast Surgery and Dr. Sareena Singh of Aultman Gynecologic Oncology.

Cancer is a word used to define a collection of diseases that share one unique characteristic—the uncontrolled growth of cells that have the potential to spread or metastasize to other parts of the body. Gynecologic cancers grow from reproductive organs including the cervix, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, and vulva. In 2020, breast cancer surpassed lung cancer as the most common type of cancer diagnosed in women, and cervical cancer is currently the second most common gynecological cancer.  

In this episode, we will talk with Dr. Shilad and Dr. Singh both about preventing and treating cancer as well as the exciting news they have to share about the opening of Aultman’s new cancer center.

We’d like to remind our listeners that today’s program is also available on our podcast. Just search for Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy in your favorite podcast app and please subscribe.

Tune in to learn more about these topics in this program:

  1. Once someone is diagnosed with breast cancer, what types of treatments are available?

  2. Once someone is diagnosed with gynecological cancer, what types of treatments are available?

  3. What types of surgery do you perform in the treatment of gynecological cancers?

  4. Being that it is gynecologic cancer awareness month, is there anything that women can do to prevent gynecological cancers?

  5. What types of screenings do you recommend that women get?

  6. When do you recommend genetic testing or counseling?

Thanks for listening today! We’d like to remind our listeners if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy.

Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

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Michelle McCann, Physical Therapist with Aultman Therapy Services

Brad:  If you have low back pain, you are not alone.  Many people experience back pain in their lifetime. For example, at any given time, about 25% of people in the United States report having low back pain within the past 3 months. In most cases, this type of back pain is mild and disappears on its own. But, for some people, back pain can return or hang on, leading to a decrease in quality of life or even to disability. Physical therapists help people with low back pain improve or restore mobility and reduce their pain.

Physical therapists are movement experts. They improve quality of life through hands-on care, patient education, and prescribed movement.  This morning we will talk with Michelle McCann, Physical Therapist with Aultman Therapy Services about treatments for back pain and Aultman’s patient navigator who helps patients access all the services available at Aultman to care for your back and spine.

In this program you will learn about the following topics:

  1. What physical therapy services are available at Aultman Therapy Services?

  2. Discussion of back pain and why Michelle McCann specializes in back pain therapy.

  3. When is it time to contact Aultman Therapy services for care?

  4. How do you contact Aultman Therapy Services?

  5. What does a physical therapy evaluation experience look like?

Thanks for listening today! We’d like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsors Aultman Health Systems, Studio Arts & Glass and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

Understanding Kidney Dialysis with Aultman Dialysis

Health Matters is a weekly radio show sponsored by the Medicine Center Pharmacy on WHBC 1480 AM in Canton, Ohio. This episode pharmacists Brad White and Paul White discuss understanding kidney dialysis with Pam Beller, RN with Aultman Dialysis.

Kidney disease, also known as chronic kidney disease, causes more deaths than breast cancer or prostate cancer.  It is the under-recognized public health crisis.  Kidney disease affects an estimated 37 million people in the US which is equivalent to 15% of the adult population; more than 1 in 7 adults.   

This episode we will talk with Pam about risk factors for kidney disease, symptoms, treatments and prevention.   

Tune in to learn the answers to the following questions:

  1. What is kidney disease ?

  2. What are the risk factors for kidney disease?

  3. Have you seen an increase in kidney disease related to covid-19?

  4. Does kidney disease run in families?

  5. What causes kidney disease?

  6. What symptoms or signs might alert us to potential kidney disease?

  7. What should we do to keep our kidneys healthy?

  8. How is kidney disease diagnosed?

  9. If we have been diagnosed with kidney disease what are our treatment options?

  10. What changes in diet can help with kidney disease?

  11. What is kidney failure?

  12. What is dialysis and how is it used to treat kidney failure?

Thanks for listening today! We’d like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsors Studio Arts & Glass and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

Robotic Surgery with Dr. Chase Beach Aultman General Surgery

Health Matters is a weekly radio show sponsored by the Medicine Center Pharmacy on WHBC 1480 AM in Canton, Ohio. This episode pharmacists Brad White and Paul White discuss robotic surgery with Dr. Chase Beach from Aultman General Surgery.

Aultman general surgery specializes in general surgery with a wide scope of procedures, including the lates in robotic assisted surgeries for the highest level of comprehensive surgical care. State of the art treatments include robotic assisted minimally invasive procedures, colon and rectal cancer surgeries, comprehensive breast care, abdominal and gallbladder procedures and hernia surgeries. This morning we will talk with Dr. Beach about robotic surgery and other procedures provided by Aultman General Surgery.

On this episode we discuss:

  1. What is robotic surgery and how is it different from laparoscopy?

  2. What surgeries can be done robotically?

  3. Is there a difference in recovery time between robotic surgery and laparoscopic surgery?

  4. March is Colorectal cancer month. What would you recommend for good colorectal health?

  5. How do diet and exercise impact good colorectal health?

  6. How can colorectal screenings impact cancer detection?

Thanks for listening today! We’d like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsors Studio Arts & Glass and Jenior Appraisals and LIquidations. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Stitcher, Amazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform.

A Guide to Medicare Open Enrollment and Annual Election Period

Health Matters is a weekly radio show sponsored by the Medicine Center Pharmacy on WHBC 1480 AM in Canton, Ohio. This episode pharmacists Brad White and Paul White discuss Medicare Open Enrollment Period with Mike Novelli, Vice President of Aultcare and Denise Fogle, PrimeTime Sales Representative with PrimeTime Health Plan.

It is the annual open enrollment period from October 15 to December 7.  One recent study shows that 9 out of 10 Medicare patients are NOT in the plan best suited for their needs.   It’s not surprising, because, frankly, what could be more confusing than selecting the best Medicare plan for you?  If you find Medicare confusing or are concerned that you aren’t in the best Medicare plan, our show today is dedicated to you.  We want to help you be that 1 in 10 patients who found the best plan to meet their needs.  Please join us today as we learn about Medicare Plans during Open Enrollment.

Some of the topics covered in this program:

  1. What is AEP when it comes to Medicare plans?

  2. What type of changes do beneficiaries make during AEP?

  3. What happens if someone would miss the timeframe to change during AEP?

  4. What is the benefit of having an Advantage plan over Original Medicare A & B?

  5. What happens if my doctor is not in the network of the Advantage plan?

  6. What happens if I’m on an Advantage Plan and go on vacation; am I covered?

  7. What if I have to go into the hospital while out of network? Is that covered?

  8. Can you explain a formulary and what it means to find your medication on a formulary?

  9. The term donut hole relates to Medicare Part D Coverage. Can you explain what the donut hole is and if everyone falls into it?

  10. What are some other benefits on PrimeTime Health Plan HMO-POS that you don’t get with original Medicare?

Zoom Video


Thanks for listening today! We’d like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsors Studio Arts & Glass . As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

Heart Failure and Common Cardiovascular Conditions

Health Matters is a weekly radio show sponsored by the Medicine Center Pharmacy on WHBC 1480 AM in Canton, Ohio. This episode pharmacists Brad White and Paul White discuss Common Cardiovascular Conditions with Dr. Ataul Qureshi, Cardiologist at Aultman Deuble Heart & Vascular Hospital.

Thanks for listening today! We’d like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsor Studio Arts & Glass . As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

Hearing Loss and Hearing Disorders with Dr. Kelsey Krueger

Health Matters is a weekly radio show sponsored by the Medicine Center Pharmacy on WHBC 1480 AM in Canton, Ohio. This episode pharmacists Brad White and Paul White discuss Hearing disorders can result from a variety of causes, such as trauma at birth, viral infections, genetic disorders, exposure to loud noise, certain medications or aging with Dr. Kelsey Krueger from Aultman Hospital Audiology.

Thanks for listening today! We’d like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsors Studio Arts & Glass . As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.

Aultman Hospital Trauma Department with Dr. Nicholas Roberts

Health Matters is a weekly radio show sponsored by the Medicine Center Pharmacy on WHBC 1480 AM in Canton, Ohio. This episode pharmacists Brad White and Paul White discuss the Trauma Department at Aultman Hospital with Dr. Nicholas Roberts, Medical Director and General Surgeon, Aultman General Surgery.

Thanks for listening today! We’d like to remind our listeners, if you suspect you have a medical issue, please contact your healthcare provider. Thanks to our sponsor, Studio Arts & Glass. As always, we thank our listeners for joining us on Health Matters with the Medicine Center Pharmacy. Have a healthy week and we’ll see you again next Friday right here on News Talk 1480 WHBC.